Above Middle Below
Led by Athena Kokoronis, Chris Kennedy, Leila Mougoui Bakhtiari, and Jan Mun
Sunday May 17 1-4:30pm
Above Middle and Below is a three-part laboratory dedicated to formulating ideas for an Open Movement score through collaboration facilitated by Leila Mougoui Bakhitiari (urban ecologist), Christopher Kennedy (teaching artist), Athena Kokoronis (choreographer), and Jan Mun (artist-scientist). Part One is dedicated to presenting and mapping Fort Greene Park’s social and ecological relationships. Part Two focuses on formulating and performing in an Open Movement score. Part Three is dedicated to conversation and archiving our collaboration together.
We will meet at the top of the hill at the Prison Ship Martyrs Monument in Fort Greene Park (look for the large quilt). Call Athena (347) 831-4051 to confirm location if weather is questionable. Please wear comfortable shoes and clothes to move in. Participants are welcome to bring a paper, writing instruments, and drawing tools if desired. Please RSVP below.
Christopher Lee Kennedy is a teaching artist who works collaboratively with schools, youth, and artists to create site-specific projects that investigate queer identity, radical schooling, and material culture. These projects generate publications, research, performances, and ongoing exchanges that celebrate the collective knowledge of a place and its forgotten histories. Recent projects include an intergenerational free school in North Brooklyn called School of the Future, an ongoing dance project using fungi as a material and metaphor for connectivity (StrataSpore), and the Queer Explorers Club, a publishing platform for queer youth, designers and artists. Kennedy hails from the shores of Ocean County, New Jersey and has lived/worked for the past 4 years in Greensboro, NC where he served as the education curator for Elsewhere, a living museum and artist residency program set inside a former thrift store. Kennedy is currently living in Brooklyn, NY where he is an Assistant Professor in art and design education at Pratt Institute. Kennedy holds a B.S. in Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, a M.A. in Environmental Education from NYU, and a PhD in Education Studies from the University of North Carolina. http://christopherleekennedy.
Athena Kokoronis is a cross-disciplinary artist living in Brooklyn. Her works are usually collaborative, research-based and involve food, dance, and cloth. Her current project is the opening of a performance space, The Domestic Performance Agency, which will be launching this winter. Athenakoko@gmail.com
Leila Mougoui Bakhtiari is an urban ecologist currently working as a research assistant with the Natural Resources Group of the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation. She received a B.S. in Environmental studies with a focus on urban ecosystems from The New School. Her work with Parks focuses on urban forest health studies, and restoration efforts in NYC natural areas. She is also the co-chair of the urban forestry committee with Gowanus Canal Conservancy.
Jan Mun is a NYC-based media artist that creates social sculptures. Using a combination of artistic and scientific processes, Jan is an amateur mycologist, microbiologist, and beekeeper working in collaboration with communities to innovate ways to communicate with each other and the larger public.

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