Here we go! Or and I accompanied Jason Munshi-South on a Rat Trapping adventure in Hudson River Park. We were joined by two of his students and a British film crew making a documentary about the ways that animals are mutating in response to man-made changes to the environment. Apparently there are some NY rats that have developed a resistance to rat poison. Let’s just call them SUPER-RATS!

Our location is very close to a baseball diamond and a dog park. As Jason tells the film crew (below), rats love human scraps and can eat dog poo, so this is an ideal spot.

Jason is half-scientist, half-storyteller. A big part of his job is interfacing with a curious public about his work.

Here are some curious Upper-West Siders! If only they knew the community that they actually live amongst!

Here’s what a trap looks like, kind of inconspicuous. Inside is space for bait (they are using newspaper-nesting material- and food) and the plastic snap trap that yes, will kill the rat. The parks department told Jason that if he was going to trap the rats, he might as well kill them.

Beneath these huge leaves are large holes that lead to the rats’ burrows. I had a dream about these after going rat trapping. It was not a great dream, but it was not a bad dream either.